
Photo by Alice PopKorn. See link attached


The definition of spiritual is a deeply rooted tree whose branches spread far and wide across oceans and many continents, yet it still has room to grow.  To many in Western Traditions, spiritual means religious, but Spiritual is not a religion.  It is so much more than a belief system.

Those who speak of spirituality outside of religion define themselves as spiritual but not religious. These are looking for the other meanings of spiritual which take them into the sacred sciences, ageless pearls of wisdom and as biblical texts say, “the mysteries.”

Spiritual is an ever-expanding, ever-evolving higher knowledge, which is present and powerful. Spiritual is not physical but controls the physical.  Spiritual is not mental, yet controls that too.  Spiritual is listed as one of the stated parted of man – Mental, Physical, and Spiritual, although there are others least stated.

Spiritual is a knowledge, a power (and a superpower at that), it is invisible to the physical eyes, but is seen when using your spiritual eye.  There are spiritual experiences, which elevate the consciousness and even change people completely.  There is an entire spirit world.  Spiritual comes from Spirit which is all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect and complete, and yet spiritual is even more than this.

Quantum Minds understand that we must tap into our spiritual selves as the KEY to growing and evolving.  Quantum Minds look to the spiritual as a part of the Quantum Leaps in our Evolution.

Omnism – The belief that no religion is true, but the truth IS FOUND within all of them.
