For Things to Change

Introducing The Law of Cause and Effect


“You can’t just let the dominoes fall wherever.  Learn the rules and play the game the best you can.  You’re Already Playing Anyway, but ARE YOU WINNING.”


In the metaphysical realm, thought is cause and effect its manifest likeness.  In other words, you are what you imaged yourself to be.   You create your own reality with your thought.  Your subconscious mind can only reproduce what your conscious mind creates.  Therefore, what you experience in your life is the effect (results) of your thinking.

Putting this law into practice will give you a way to understand true responsibility.  The first responsibility you have is to your Self– you must respond to the desires of your soul.  Your soul craves maturity.  Your conscious mind and physical self craves comfort.  When you make choices that will produce maturity for your soul, you will learn and grow and therefore become content.  When you make choices to feed your physical body only, you set yourself up for disappointment.

Joe and Bob

There were two men we will call Joe and Bob.  Both Joe and Bob had worked for many years in the same company and both offered the opportunity to transfer to a new city to open a branch of the company.  Joe and Bob were excited at first.  The prospect of meeting new people and facing new challenges was exciting.  Both had become somewhat bored in their old jobs and had even thought about the need for a new stimulus to bring back the zest in life.

Joe responded well to the challenge.  In his new position, he got to develop leadership skills he had not used before. He learned how to investigate the community and to scope out resources for new client contracts.  He visited many local groups, schools, churches, and community events and made new friends.  He found out that he was a likable person and how he could use his sincerity to draw similar people to him.

Bob created a different attitude.  Although he was excited at first by the prospect of change, he did not imagine how he wanted to be different.  He felt like he had been abandoned all alone in a new city where he knew no one.  He felt sorry for himself and waited for people to introduce themselves to him.  When that did not happen, he decided that he had moved to an unfriendly town and resented his boss for placing him there.

The two men faced very similar circumstances but the difference was in their attitude.  Joe wanted to learn, to reach out and to meet new people.  He wanted to learn about himself and what he could share in a new way and a new place.  Bob knew he wanted a change, as he was bored in his old job, but he never imaged he would change.  So, even though he experienced a change in circumstances, be brought the same kind of isolation that had contributed to his dissatisfaction in the previous location.          Excerpt from Shaping Your Life by Dr. Laurel Clark

The Law of Cause and Effect says for every action in the universe there is an equal reaction or response.

For things to CHANGE you have to CHANGE.  We are and always will be the product of our thoughts.


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